About The School
Janata High And junior college Welcome Janata High And junior college This institute Run by Shri .Shri keshav swami Shikshan Sanstha Abide by 'Service to Society', we aim at the all round development of the students by means of Comprehensive Quality education through right plans and right action. Established in 1958, institute imparts value-based quality education and individual attention for socially deprived students. Once the pupil is admitted in primary, he is nurtured well till junior college and becomes self-reliant. The Institution has the great legacy of 66 years of hardship in inculcating good moral values among the pupils.
- Well experienced staff for imparting education and guidance.
- Cultural Activities and Sport Programs.
- Transportation Facility and Language Development
- Parents Meeting, Value Based Education, Modern Infrastructure, Fire Fighting equipment, Medical Facility.
- CCTV Camera Surveillance

Mr. A. B. Meshram
(Principal)"We want education by which character is formed,strength of mind increased,the intellectis expanded and by which one can stand on ones own feet.” Swami Vivekananda
Education is considered to be an instrument that can drive away ignorance and illuminate the mind of a man to righteous thought and action. It empowers an individual (student) and enlarges the horizon of her/ his mind. It enables a man not only to earn his living but also teaches him to live with dignity and honour.At Janata high School &jr College we cherish this value of education and our objective is to lete very student live are spectfull life. We also value igniting the spark of creativity and curiosity in our students.
Dear parents, students and all the well-wishers I welcome you to a partnership which aims at moulding our children in such away that they become the true global citizens of India. “With the paradigms of education ever-changing,let stake the arc of history in our hands and build a better and safe tomorrow in imaginative and innovative ways”. I hope the students will keep up the high values they have learnt at their alma mater. I wish the best of fortune, peace and prosperity to all those who contribute to the noble task of spreading education. We must remember: The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life inharmony with all existence